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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.8 Released With New Features — The Most Popular Server Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.8 Released With New Features — The Most Popular Server Linux

Red Hat recently announced the latest iteration of its widely popular enterprise Linux — Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.8. This release comes with lots of new features, marking the Production Phase 2 of RHEL 6. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.8 provides new capabilities to system admins by making this dependable server Linux even more stable.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux is one of the leading server Linux distributions around, including the likes of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Server and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES).
The world’s leading open source solutions provider Red Hat, has announced the general availability of RHEL 6.8. With more than 6 years of successful run, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 has set the stage for delivering new capabilities and bringing a stable and trusted platform for IT admins.

Red Hat releases RHEL 6.8 with many new features!

The base image of RHEL 6.8 has been changed to allow sysadmins to migrate the workloads to containers. As usual, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.8 includes multiple changes to help the organizations improve their security and efficiency.
Improving the VPN security, RHEL 6.8 has switched to libreswan, replacing openswan as VPN endpoint solution.
Thanks to the improvements to the Identity Management client code (SSSD), the customers will see simpler management and client-side performance.
With the new adcli support, the Active Directory domain RHEL management has been simplified. Identity login has also been made simpler with client cached authentication.
In RHEL 6.8, Relax-and-Recover, a system archiving tool, has been included to make lives of system admins easier by helping them create backups in the familiar ISO formats.
The dealing with packages has also been made simpler with an enhanced yum tool. RHEL 6.8 also provides a better understanding of storage usage and performance. Another great change comes in the form of support for up to 300TB data in xfs filesystem.
This release also marks the Production Phase 2 of RHEL 6.

Here’s Why Microsoft Should Adopt Android

Microsoft’s Windows phone lineup is a combination of some pretty impressive hardware and a struggling software. Looking at the recent developments, it won’t be premature to speculate a future where a Microsoft phone would run Android. Ditching Windows Phone feels like the right thing for Microsoft’s phone business and we can witness this development sooner than expected.

It’s a no denying fact that Microsoft has failed repeatedly at convincing people to use its mobile operating system. The latest shipment figures of Windows Phones show a constant decline and an overall 1.7% of the smartphone market share.
This misery was preceded by Microsoft’s Nokia buyout that has now been run on the ground and the company has lost about $10 billion on that deal. The smartphone company, that made classic phones like Nokia 1100, couldn’t survive the pummeling it received from iOS and Android.
If we start making a list of the problems with Microsoft’s phone business, it would be too long. So, why not talk about the ways Microsoft could save its phone business?
Looking closely, we can observe a gradual trend that shows Microsoft’s inclination towards Android. Yes, it shouldn’t sound weird to you if you’ve been keeping track of the recent developments. Even though Redmond is betting heavily on Continuum and its One Windows future, it looks like Microsoft has been quietly working a lot to support such possible switch in the future.
Talking more about acquisitions, Redmond has bought Xamarin and SwiftKey. While Xamarin makes it possible to run Microsoft’s .Net Framework and C# apps on Android iOS, SwiftKey was an app that was never made available for Windows Phone.
It’s not hidden that Microsoft is making more money from its cloud and server business. Ditching its platform-focused strategy, the company is already making Microsoft apps for consumer and enterprise. If you’ll ask me to give examples, I have plenty — Office, OneDrive, Skype, Cortana, SwiftKey, Office Lens etc.
Microsoft has already been working closely with Cyanogen since April 2015 to distribute Microsoft’s own apps and services bundled with Android. Cyanogen is working to deeply integrate Cortana into the next version of Cyanogen OS and plans to Android’s dependencies on Google.
Windows Phone is dying a slow death and Microsoft needs a lifesaver pill. We can see an Android fork from Microsoft in future years with Microsoft services deeply integrated inside it.
It’s possible that we could see some Surface-branded phones later this year or in 2017 before the company decides to close the Windows Phone chapter. Ditching Windows Phone feels like the right thing for Microsoft’s phone business and we can witness this development sooner than expected.

Ubuntu Linux On Windows 10 — Here Are The First Pictures

Ubuntu Linux On Windows 10 — Here Are The First Pictures

At the first day of Microsoft Build Developer Conference 2016, something amazing happened. Microsoft showed the world how Ubuntu on Windows 10 can ease the lives of developers. By installing official Ubuntu binaries on Windows 10, you can use any Linux tool on Windows 10 and get your work done.

Earlier, we told you about the expected next chapter in Microsoft’s love affair with Linux that mentioned a partnership between Microsoft and Canonical to bring Ubuntu to Windows 10. Well, at Microsoft’s Developer Build Conference 2016 we got the confirmation.
The long-rival operating systems have come together to allow developers use their favorite Linux tools inside Windows 10. During Day 1’s keynote at Build 2016, Microsoft’s Kevin Gallo announced that now you can run Bash on Ubuntu on Windows. This won’t be possible due to some virtual machine, emulator or a container. Instead, it’ll be with the help of Ubuntu binaries running natively in Windows 10.

Ubuntu on Windows 10 — What does it mean?

Well, thanks to the upcoming Windows 10 Anniversary update, Windows OS will get a new developer feature that will allow you to import Ubuntu binaries and run native Linux shells and command line tools.
To run Bash on Windows, users usually turned to Cygwin, a GNU command line utility for Win 32 or HyperV and Ubuntu. Another option was to use Docker to run a Linux container.
On his blog, Dustin Kirkland from Canonical writes:
“Right, so just Ubuntu running in a virtual machine?”  Nope!  This isn’t a virtual machine at all.  There’s no Linux kernel booting in a VM under a hypervisor.  It’s just the Ubuntu user space. “Ah, okay, so this is Ubuntu in a container then?”  Nope!  This isn’t a container either.  It’s native Ubuntu binaries running directly in Windows. “Hum, well it’s like cygwin perhaps?”  Nope!  Cygwin includes open source utilities are recompiled from source to run natively in Windows.  Here, we’re talking about bit-for-bit, checksum-for-checksum Ubuntu ELF binaries running directly in Windows.
Willing to know more? Well, when this feature arrives in Windows 10, you’ll be able to run Ubuntu on Windows 10 by simply getting Ubuntu from Canonical and Windows Store like this:

The screenshots show a lightweight and real Ubuntu image on top of Windows 10. This Ubuntu on Windows 10 installation brings all Linux tool you can name — apt, ssh, rsync, find, grep, awk, sed, sort, xargs, md5sum, gpg, curl, wget, apache, mysql, python, perl, ruby, php, gcc, tar, vim, emacs, diff, patch, and more.

Inside your Windows installation drive, you can see all of your Ubuntu files in C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Lxss\rootfs\

After setting up everything, you can run apt-get update in Windows 10 and download your favorite developer packages. Below is the result of apt-get install emacs23:

Here’s a Windows 10 Start Menu screenshot that shows Ubuntu on Windows 10. Looks pretty great to me!

Wondering what Canonical thinks about the new partnership?
Here’s what Dustin Kirkland had to say — “This is an almost surreal endorsement by Microsoft on the importance of open source to developers.  Indeed, what a fantastic opportunity to bridge the world of free and open source technology directly into any Windows 10 desktop on the planet.”
Are you excited about this future with Ubuntu on Windows 10? Share your views in the comments below.

Ubuntu Linux Is Coming To Windows 10

Ubuntu Linux Is Coming To Windows 10 - Microsoft Partners With Canonical

Microsoft and Canonical, Ubuntu Linux’s parent company, are partnering to allow you to use Ubuntu on Windows 10. The official announcement is expected to be made at Microsoft’s BUILD 2016 developer conference later today. This partnership is expected to integrate Windows and Linux on the developer desktop.
Microsoft is kicking off its BUILD 2016 developer conference on March 30. This annual event is known to bring some exciting news for Microsoft fans each year. At this year’s event, Microsoft is expected to show off its newly-found Linux love in a big manner.
According to a new report from ZDNet, Microsoft is likely to announce a partnership between Canonical and Microsoft that would aim to bring Ubuntu on Windows 10.
This functionality won’t be limited to running Bash shell on Windows 10. With this development, users will be able to run Ubuntu simultaneously with Windows operating system. This will be making Ubuntu an integrated part of Windows 10, not just some virtual machine.
At the moment, details are not revealed regarding this arrangement. It’s expected that Ubuntu will run on top of a foundation of native Windows libraries. It should be noted that Microsoft quietly introduced Linux subsystem in a new Windows 10 Redstone build.
This combination of Windows 10 and Ubuntu will be aimed at developers. Linux fans shouldn’t expect Ubuntu to come along with its Unity interface. Instead, it’ll rely on Bash and CLI tools like make, gawk, and grep. Having said that, Microsoft’s target audience are developers, not desktop users.
Since last summer, Microsoft and Canonical have been working together on many projects, including the work to bring containers to Windows 10 using LXD. They have also partnered to help developers write programs for Ubuntu on the Azure cloud.
In a nutshell, here’s what this partnership means according to ZDNet — “So is this MS-Linux? No. Is it a major step forward in the integration of Windows and Linux on the developer desktop? Yes, yes it is.”

VoCore: A Cheap And Coin-sized Linux Computer

VoCore: A Cheap And Coin-sized Linux Computer 

VoCore is an open hardware that runs OpenWRT Linux. This tiny computer comes with Wi-Fi, USB, 20+ GPIOs that will help you to make a smart home automation system or use it in other embedded projects. Read more to know about this device and grab one for yourself.
With each passing day, mini computer boards are getting more and more popular. Single board computers like Raspberry Pi, CHIP, OrangePi etc. are being endorsed by makers and DIY enthusiasts to create new innovations. However, if you are looking for an even smaller Linux computer,VoCore is the perfect device for you.
At fossBytes, we love open source technologies and so do the makers of VoCore. It’s an open source hardware that runs OpenWrt on top of Linux. With this mini Linux machine, you can fork your own Wi-Fi router, make smart home automation systems, invent a new device, build a motherboard and whatnot.
In simpler words, you can use it as a standalone device or use it as an embedded component of a larger system. It comes with included Dock that extends the USB and Ethernet ports to enhance its functionality.

Specifications of VoCore Linux computer:

This coin-sized computer is powered by 32MB SDRAM, and 8MB SPI Flash. It provides many interfaces like 10/100M Ethernet, USB, UART, I2C, I2S, PCM, JTAG and over 20 GPIOs.
  • OpenWRT Linux
  • Onboard Wi-Fi adapter
  • Integrates a 802.11n MAC, baseband, radio, FEM & 5-port 10/100Mbps Ethernet switch
  • Processor: Ralink/Mediatek 360 MHz RT5350 MIPS
Here’s the pin map of VoCore:
An open source software and hardware of VoCore means that you will also get its full hardware design and source code. This will allow you to control every part of this tiny Linux computer.

Kingston’s 'Unhackable' DataTraveler USB

Kingston’s 'Unhackable' DataTraveler USB Drive Self-destructs With Incorrect PIN Entry

Kingston Digital, one of the world leaders in memory products, has released DataTraveler 2000 encrypted USB Flash drive. This portable memory device offers best-in-class security features like hardware encryption and PIN protection with an onboard keypad. The device is expected to ship in Q1 in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB capacities.
At CES 2016, Kingston has announced a new USB drive that’ll make the life easier for the privacy concerned users. This secure DataTraveler 2000 encrypted USB Flash drive is created to provide the best possible security measures to the IT professionals for carrying sensitive documents.
The USB drive looks impressive right from the outside. As you pull out the outer aluminum cover, a built-in keypad will be there to surprise you. When inserted into a computer, you’ll have to unlock the device by entering the correct PIN. Failing to do so in 10 attempts, the USB will self-destruct — sounds just like the pen drive from Hollywood flicks like Mission Impossible, right?
This USB 3.1 compatible thumb drive offers speeds of up to 135MBps read and 40MBps write. On the security front, DataTraveler 2000 comes with hardware-based full disk AES 256-bit encryption in XTS mode. The drive also protects your data from bruteforce attacks.

Kingston DataTraveler 2000 USB — PIN protection, AES 256-bit data encryption, resists bruteforce attacks

For additional protection, Kingston’s super-secure USB drive features the option of auto-locking the drive by deleting key and password files after 10 invalid login attempts.
“We are excited to add DataTraveler 2000 to our existing lineup of fast and encrypted USB Flash drives for organizations and SMBs,” said Ken Campbell, Flash business manager, Kingston. “It is the perfect option to deploy in the workforce where a uniform encrypted data storage solution that works on many different OS’ are in use.”
This OS independent USB drive works with all popular operating systems, even Android and ChromeOS. The DataTraveler 2000 is available in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB capacities.
The DataTraveler 2000 is expected to hit the markets in the end of 2016 Q1.
Are you excited about this upcoming USB drive from Kingston? Tell us in the comments below

USBDriveby: A Necklace That Can Hack Your PC In Just 60 Seconds

USBDriveby: A Necklace That Can Hack Your PC In Just 60 Seconds

In a video found on the YouTube channel of Samy Kamkar, a USB drive beaded in a necklace has been shown which is capable of doing some really dangerous hacking tricks with a horrifying outcome. This necklace is called USBDriveby, which is a necklace that can hijack your computer in just 60 seconds.

USBdriveby is basically a USB-powered microcontroller which is beaded into a necklace or a chain. The reason behind beading this USB-driven microcontroller is that one can take the advantage of security flaws in one’s computer’s USB ports. Once inserted into one of the USB ports, it just needs a minute or better say, 60 seconds to infect and annihilate a personal computer.

How does USBDriveBy work?

  • Once USBDriveby is inserted into one of the USB ports on a PC, it pretends to be a mouse or a keyboard.
  • It automatically uses of a number of keystrokes to satisfy the PC’s network monitor app to convince that everything is ok.
  • In the next step, it disables the system’s firewall.
  • After disabling the firewall, it alters the DNS settings next. By changing the DNS Settings, it provides full control to the hacker.
  • Once the control goes into the hands of the hacker, a hacker can redirect any website the user wishes to visit with the website of hacker’s choice.
  • Using the website of the hacker’s choice, the USBDriveBy creates an outbound connection by opening up a backdoor port to a remote server, allowing the computer to receive remote commands.
  • Once the control goes to the remote server, a hacker can exploit the entire PC.
  • While leaving the computer, any windows and settings screens that have been opened up are closed and footprints are swept up while the hacker leaves the PC.

So, basically, within a minute, an entire PC can be hacked by disabling a number of security layers and cleaning up its mess as well. It permanently leaves the computer with an open connection for all sorts of remote manipulations even after the USBDriveBy has been removed from the USB port.
Although the video shown below talks only about the Mac OS X but Kamkar states that the process is quite ‘easily extendable to Windows or Linux’. Once the harm is done, there is nothing much a user can do to protect himself from such attacks except for guarding his USB ports.
If you are also aware of these sorts of stylish hacking materials, leave the comment about the cool gadgets in the comment section below.

Protect Your Conversations from Spies And Tools for Impenetrable Security.

Protect Your Conversations from Spies And Tools for Impenetrable Security.

Do you think your nerd cave is under surveillance by spies? Are you secretly building a time machine and afraid that someone might steal your blueprints? Privacy is a priority for every tech lover. Today, there are entities out there who’re after your personal information – be it online marketers, hackers, or even government agents. Thanks to the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015 – infamously dubbed as “CISA” – agencies like the NSA and FBI can freely monitor your online activities with the help of your ISP.

Why Does It Matter?

You may not be a super-villain secretly planning to take over the city (or the world). But you most likely have information you’d like to keep private. Your passwords, credit card information, browsing history, chats; nothing is safe without setting up the proper security measures. No, we’re not talking about using proxies, installing an antivirus, or going incognito. We’re talking about setting up an impenetrable, military-grade security.
Encryption holds the key to achieving this, and you’ll need a couple of tools to get started. First, let’s make sure all your online conversations are kept secret. There are currently two popular encryption methods being used: Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) and Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC).
PGP may not have a fancy name like ECC, but it’s worth mentioning that it’s been developing for over 25 years and it has never been cracked. PGP works with a pair of keys for each user – a public key for receiving and a private key for decrypting messages. On top of these, each message is encrypted with a “session key” that’s generated randomly every time. On the contrary, ECC is basically the newer version of public-key cryptography meant to replace the RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman).

Using Encrypted Messages

Today, there is a growing number of secure messaging and email tools that utilize either ECC or PGP encryption. You can easily take advantage of PGP for emails with the following steps:
Step 1: Install a Desktop Email Client
The first thing you need to do is install a desktop email client. For the purpose of this guide, you should choose from either Mozilla Thunderbird (Free) or Postbox.
Step 2: Install GNU Privacy Guard
You will need GPG to generate your public and private encryption keys. You’re going to need GPGTools for OS X and GPG4Win for Windows.
Step 3: Install the Enigmail Extension
Enigmail is a security extension you need for your desktop email clients. Remember that you need the appropriate extension for Thunderbird and for Postbox.
Step 4: Configure PGP
Make sure to restart your mail client after installing Enigmail. When done, access the “OpenPGP” menu item and find “Key Management”. When setting up for the first time, you need to generate your keys by choosing “New Keypair”. Choose the email account you want to use PGP with and then assign a passphrase. When done, go ahead and click “Generate Key”.
Step 5: Setup a Failsafe
After Step 4, you will be asked to generate a revocation certificate. This can be used to devoid your public key should your private key get compromised. Also choose “Export Keys to File” from the
OpenPGP menu to create a backup of your keys.
Step 6: Encrypt Your Messages
You can now sign and encrypt messages from the OpenPGP menu. You can do this whenever you compose a new message. You will be asked for your passphrase each time. When done, you can
watch the magic happens as your message turns into an encrypted mess – super spy style!

Facebook Messenger Gets Its First Game, Doodle Draw

Facebook Messenger Gets Its First Game, Doodle Draw

Last Year we heard that Facebook Messenger is actively working on hosting games in its app. Now, it does. Released for Android and iOS, Draw Something for Messenger functions on Facebook's Messenger Platform, which was opened to third-party developers back in March.
Doodle Draw for Messenger is the first game launched for the Facebook Messenger platform, and it is currently available to download in select regions from Google Play and App Store. Users can also download the game by tapping on the three-dot 'More' option in the Messenger app. Before this, the chatting app only featured content creation, sharing, and curated content apps on the platform.
The game should be familiar with those who have already played 'Draw Something' video game as Doodle Draw features the same user interface, gameplay style and more. The game suggests users something to draw, which the users can scribble out and send to a Facebook Messenger contact. The friend then would have to guess what the user has drawn. Earning more points while playing would let users get access to more colors.
As reported by TechCrunch, the Doodle Draw for Messenger at the time of launch let users earn in-game currency by inviting their friends to play with them, which could lead to the spam that games like Candy Crush saga were causing in a big way before Facebook tweaked its algorithms. Doodle Draw developer however removed the feature soon after. Doodle Draw for Messenger weighs 4MB and runs on Android 4.0/iOS 6.0 and later OS versions.
Facebook on Wednesday announced that an Android version of its Messenger app has been downloaded more than a billion times from the Google Play store. It is worth noting that both Facebook and Google boast 1 billion app downloads on Google Play.